Five Signs You May Need to Replace Your Hot Water Heater

Southeast Total Service Uncategorized

Working quietly in the basement, the hot water heater does not attract attention until it stops working properly. Here are five sure signs that your hot water heater needs replacement. Leaks Any amount of water leakage from your water heater is a clear sign that replacement is necessary. Call a plumbing contractor right away to address the problem. Age If …

Signs Your Septic System Needs Service

Southeast Total Service Uncategorized

Let’s face it, your septic system isn’t the most glamorous thing to think about, yet maintaining a functioning septic system is important to your home and your family’s health. To do so, you’ll need to keep a close eye on certain warning signs that you have a septic tank in trouble. Should any of these signs rear their heads, don’t …

Chattanooga Septic Tank Pumping Professionals

Five Signs You Need Drain Cleaning Services

Southeast Total Service Uncategorized

To be on the safe side, you should really look into getting your building’s drains cleaned at least once a year. However, if you notice any of the following issues, then you should contact a professional plumber to come out right away. Most Common Clues The important thing to keep in mind is that if you notice any of these signs, you …

How to Tell If You Need Sewer Line Repair or Replacement

Southeast Total Service Uncategorized

Troubles with your home’s sewer line can lead to numerous inconveniences around the house. You may need either repairs or a total replacement, but either way, you should have a professional look at it so that you know what job is best. All Fixtures Drain Slowly A clog may develop in your sink or tub. If just one fixture is …

When to Repipe Your Home

Southeast Total Service Uncategorized

Over time, you will likely need to replace a pipe or two in your house. However, a day may come when minor fixes will not cut it. In these circumstances, you need your home to undergo an entire repiping, so everything gets swapped out. Pipes Are Too Old Pipes are ordinarily out of durable materials, so they can last for decades. …

Four Common Signs of a Broken Sewer Line

Southeast Total Service Uncategorized

Damaged sewer lines can bring a lot of misery to homeowners, but sewer breaks are often difficult to detect until the problem becomes severe or property is damaged. In addition, the health hazards of exposure to raw sewage are significant, and several serious illnesses can be transmitted through direct contact with wastewater. These reasons are why it is important to …